Sunday, December 12, 2021

What’s Before Me

The light snow stayed the light snow

fallen yesterday.  Night added nothing.

Dreams, of course, but nothing I can

put my eyes on like more snow.

I have become more of an eye and ear

kind of a guy; I need to see and hear,

feel and touch before I know what’s 

before me.  I shy away from the abstract,

the intellect that scorns the heart,

language that mocks the soul, exploits

the flesh, enhances our fears.  I can see

the snow and rain, get my eyes and ears

on beauty, the peace that passes understanding,

that love that needs no explanation.

-Byron Hoot  

Saturday, December 11, 2021


Little flower in the garden,
you have charmed me with your splendour.
Sweet's the smell which is around you,
given by your splendid odour.
Getting near you makes me wonder
why is life so harsh on livers.
Now, your youth is proud and haughty.
Have you thought about the coming?
Happy flower, do not ponder
on what goes on in my silence
as you cannot change your future
which is imposed on all creatures.
You are happy with the present.
Enjoy it and do not worry.
That, Who gives you all these wonders,
surely tucks away what's better.

The Architect

So many days,
Sleepless nights,
I sat and wondered,
What is wrong with my life?
Oh why,
Does it get so frustrating,
Oh why,
Do things so seldom go right,
So I sat there looking at every thing I had done,
Oh what kind of man had I become?
What, oh what changes had to be done?
For too long I had let others guide me,
Mold me shape me
Try and define me,
I had relied on others too much,
With myself I had lost touch..
This, in turn,
Had left my foundations weak..
This in turn,
Had me craving drugs,
Craving drink..
Then one day,
I woke up,
And said to myself,
We have to build our life our way,
With a foundation,
That no criticism of others could decay,
Well, I became my own architect that day,
With a strength and belief in my self no one,
And I mean no one could take away,
Yes it was time to rebuild my life,
Time to live it my way..
For what I, or you, in this life,
Is up to you, or me,
Take control,
And be the architect of your own destiny..
(C) Patrick Daniel Read 11/21/14

Soul Lender

Soul Lender
Come hither let me bind thy heart
Allow me space to enter
I’d wager almost any part
Of all those finer mentions
I’ll rouse the ruse, tighten the noose
Around your lavish craving
And if so wish I’ll serve the dish
All rules were born for bending
Let’s not be quaint and telly forth
God speed my daring slander
I have a gift to share with thee
A tale of the soul lender
From vision starred by ill repute
a ghost of silent tender
emerges from the silky mist
to shed the awkward canter
Arise my memories of late
give life to me once more
for pity take upon this fool
still searching for the exit door
beware of moments hear them squeak
down the old memory lane
for many man has lost their cheek
when dealt a hand by come what may
Be silent now lower thy brow
Humble your proud stride
He keeps a wolf outside thy door
To keep his guests in crosshairs sight.
Vladimir Edward Bass ©


I am getting closer, closer to the end
Mentally and physically I am on the mend
When diagnosed with stage three cancer, i must admit I had a cry
I wanted to live, I did not want to die
What motivated me, my partner and my son
They where the ammunition and I was the gun
After my surgery, I was in a bad way
I was grateful to still be alive, thank god that I prayed
The pain was unbelievable, I had to be strong
The cancer thought it beat me, thank god it was wrong
Chemotherapy was brutal, the side effects where horrific
I fought back like a warrior, my performance terrific
Each round of chemo drained my body and mind
It was crucial I stayed in the race, i could not fall behind
No matter how tough things got for me, I gave one hundred and ten percent
I was intricate with each move that I made, my time was not misspent
Each day that passed got tougher for me but my high standards did not drop
Pushing myself I believe was the key, I was the cream that rose to the top
My body was really struggling, my mind had to step up to the plate
The work I put in convinced me that I indeed had a fit mental state
My last round of chemotherapy was three and a half months ago
I’m still making progress but progress is progress no matter how fast or how slow
I cannot be defeated, my refusal to quit is evident
Stage three cancer has now come and gone, I’m a reborn revenant

-Liam Kennedy


Have you ever wondered what death looks like
An eternal gaze into an infinite black void
That's what death is... A blind endless hike
Is life built only to be destroyed?
Is it as simple as heaven or hell?
Is the afterlife earned or given?
If souls are real, where do they dwell?
Why doesn't anyone listen?
I'm speaking loud and clear
And yet nobody seems to see
No one hears, not a single ear
Not a single soul acknowledges me
Could this be what death is?
To never be seen or heard
Yet be able to see and talk
Hearing my echo with every word
Their footsteps fade as they walk
Alone again in this cold nothingness
My soul is an abandoned house
Desolate, dark and lifeless
Depression is my loving spouse
A broken heart renders me sightless
Life with no love is a living funeral
Pallbearers are thoughts of despair
Mind suffocation no albuterol
A victim of the reapers snare
Am I dead? Is this what death is?
To be invisible to the visible.
Only seen by life's daily stresses
Trapped in a soul that's unlivable
That's what death is…..what I am
Rotting from the inside out
An existence of unwanted spam
Every decision left in doubt
Imprisoned by memories of the past
Shackled by a tainted heart
And all I can do is holdfast
as everything falls apart
Helpless, useless and lifeless
But darkness is priceless
Its where I was reborn
My fresh start per se
Murder is my new porn
Holding my depression at bay
The feeling of their screams
Warms my heart like past loves
Fulfilling my dreams
wearing these murder gloves
Something that finally fits
Providing all I ever need
and the freedom it permits
Death is a way to be free
A way to transfer pain
Releasing what's inside of me
The blood I can't abstain
A river of soothing relief
Their pain is my healing
And yet, I have no grief
It is my way of not feeling
And that is being alive
To not feel or ever care
Death is how I thrive
And there is no prayer
©Target K. Sinner 12/8/21

Rat Sounds

For all of our efforts
our cages clank
all around us
as keys jingle,
trailing off
into the sound
of muffled
high-end parties.
That demonic,
cat-like predator,
pawing at our cage,
roars from the depths
of its homicidal lost soul,
as we hunker down,
holding our fragile ears.
The delusion being,
we’re not permitted
to evolve
beyond the lack of
contemplative silence.
©cmd 2021 [aka o.monger]

Help me, Lord

Help me, Lord…
As they deplete me of my grace…
Help me, Lord…
As they inflict scars upon my face…
Help me, Lord…
As they strip away my natural beauty…
Help me, Lord…
As they shun their Heavenly duty…
Won’t they ever understand…
That the natural balance of existence will shift…
Won’t they ever come to realize…
That they are destroying Your Heavenly Gift…
© 2021 Jeffrey Pipes Guice

The Black Rose Will Find Its Way Home.

A fallen star is a fallen star,
We can think ourselves into
The sins of the wicked and
all their misdeeds,
The heads of saints and the
blood of Jesus,
A Shaman's smoke will lead
you here,
To all the lies of the human heart,
more constant than the stars and
all their courses,
I am older now and scarred enough
to wake the dead,
And when my sad and tired life
has expired,
You know I've made my bed
With the taste of holy death,
Although we're damaged goods
by the life we've led and part of
us is dead,
As devils steal us away
to fates we cannot comprehend,
There are angels watching over us
for every happiness we've experienced.
Copyright 2001, Alexis Child. All rights reserved until the bones decompose...

Taking Words Down

“I have my books and poetry to protect me.” I had taped to the glass door of a secretariat in my bedroom around 1966.  I think it had to do ...