Saturday, December 11, 2021


I am getting closer, closer to the end
Mentally and physically I am on the mend
When diagnosed with stage three cancer, i must admit I had a cry
I wanted to live, I did not want to die
What motivated me, my partner and my son
They where the ammunition and I was the gun
After my surgery, I was in a bad way
I was grateful to still be alive, thank god that I prayed
The pain was unbelievable, I had to be strong
The cancer thought it beat me, thank god it was wrong
Chemotherapy was brutal, the side effects where horrific
I fought back like a warrior, my performance terrific
Each round of chemo drained my body and mind
It was crucial I stayed in the race, i could not fall behind
No matter how tough things got for me, I gave one hundred and ten percent
I was intricate with each move that I made, my time was not misspent
Each day that passed got tougher for me but my high standards did not drop
Pushing myself I believe was the key, I was the cream that rose to the top
My body was really struggling, my mind had to step up to the plate
The work I put in convinced me that I indeed had a fit mental state
My last round of chemotherapy was three and a half months ago
I’m still making progress but progress is progress no matter how fast or how slow
I cannot be defeated, my refusal to quit is evident
Stage three cancer has now come and gone, I’m a reborn revenant

-Liam Kennedy

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