Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Black Rose Will Find Its Way Home.

A fallen star is a fallen star,
We can think ourselves into
The sins of the wicked and
all their misdeeds,
The heads of saints and the
blood of Jesus,
A Shaman's smoke will lead
you here,
To all the lies of the human heart,
more constant than the stars and
all their courses,
I am older now and scarred enough
to wake the dead,
And when my sad and tired life
has expired,
You know I've made my bed
With the taste of holy death,
Although we're damaged goods
by the life we've led and part of
us is dead,
As devils steal us away
to fates we cannot comprehend,
There are angels watching over us
for every happiness we've experienced.
Copyright 2001, Alexis Child. All rights reserved until the bones decompose...

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