Friday, December 30, 2022


Memories are just a life of past events assimilated in my head
I finally figured out how to live and now my life is over
Are my heart beats just memories of a past that keeps me alive?
Or a torture chamber that petrify my soul.
Are my thoughts the imaginary symmetry of the cosmic universe?
You know I tried to see the reason in the madness
And the chaos in the reasoning of intelligence
A flack of black birds occupy my window
And ants are crawling on the table.
The emptiness of my mind is the forgotten memories
And the memory is me in a time that is only existing in my head.
Is it crazy to want to be mad and yet relate intellectually
Or is it unreasonable to be intelligent and want to be crazy.
There remains only one of me the other two have died
But what really happen is that I engulfed me and myself
They didn’t really die they are assimilated into I.
A ghost is supposed to be the spirit of a dead person
And a person is supposed to be the living soul of a ghost
A memory is a ghost of thoughts that reflect life
Reach deep very deep into the subconscious
Remember what you never experienced
It unfolds into the shadowy gray of the unexplained
There is nothing new under the sun there is memory
Of events that have not happen.

By Carlos Gomez/water 5-25-14

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