Thursday, May 26, 2022


My life is but a million miles
Of deserts etched with grief
Scarred by sighs
Illumined by the scorching sun
Distant and indifferent stars
Etching in the arid ground
Mendacity and lies
Scoured by times mocking gales
With no shelter, succour or relief
Desire's scorching sands
Blister and char the feet
Of this remorseful reprobate
A purblind foolish pilgrim
Staggering besotted, beset and bestial
Through existences's daily monotony
With endless inconsequential rituals
Struggling against hunger, sloth, insomnia,
A sour stomach or an achy tooth
Regret, ennui,and grief
Until I am rendered
To my essence
Stinking offal, carrion meat
Marching to lust's monotonous
Discordant threnody and beat
A lonely ghost I utter and wail
Tattered truths no one will hear
Screeds only I will see
On paper scraps on which I scribble
For no purpose to no avail
Wrestling with futility
Trying to encapsulate and capture
All my struggles, sorrow, and travail
Until I am erased, effaced and lost
Neither remembered nor forgotten
In the oblivion of eternity

Prove Me Right

You'd prove me right
Every time I was wrong
I'd be loosing sight
And the fight just went on
You lit my light
Then continue to move on
The pain it bites
But life it goes on
Lonley nights
But it's long gone
Being so right
But feeling so wrong
Right all along
But man ...I wished you proved me wrong
Before I left she was already gone
it might be wrong
That I feel her in every song
It was her all along
Now I'm lost in the wrong
But I guess I have been all along


I think of what Jesus has taught,
and stand awestruck before this man.
I find Him that He is the best
of all who've walked under the sun.
I put aside that He is God
and write about His life on earth.
He's taught man love and to support
the little ones, not those of wealth.
He had great ruth on that female
whom none dared her soul to elate.
He sympathized despite the risk
and saved her from her horrid fate.
Who can endure the insults that
He suffered but He could forgive.
We can't withstand a little grudge
till we retort what we receive.

"Boondocks Land"

In the end, "the Boondocks" did win,
though we all had our bearings on compass until then.
Paths drawn on maps, over highways
and bridges,
through the valleys
of mountain ridges.
But the map got a crack, in the crease,
from the folding and folding and folding again.
It happened from paths untrodden.
It happened from traces untraced.
It happened from
putting the map in your pocket,
and bending it opened again.
Maps do not belong in pockets.
They belong in hands.
Plans do not remain on hold,
they're to be placed
upon the land of Man.
So, the highway that we traced in pen
split open, in the middle,
from the rip in the bend,
like the split of a vein.
And as a result,
there's no feasible way
to travel/traverse
from point B
to point A.
The rift led us (both) to the Boondock Land.
C. Ward


Whenever you hear someone is missing...
While fishing on the Lake, somewhere remote...
They mentioned they wouldn’t be out too long...
But there’s no body in the boat...
After a search for miles and miles...
One that continues late into the night...
But still the body is nowhere to be found...
The search will commence at morning light...
While the family is busy praying...
The neighbors’ hope begins to wane...
And then someone always mentions...
The legend of Lake Pontchartrain...
It happened back in the late 70’s...
When a little girl went for a swim...
She rode her bike off the old Padua Pier...
But was never heard from again...
Her body was never recovered...
The family’s closure was never felt...
Her daddy felt especially troubled...
Because he had spanked her earlier with his belt...
It was because the little girl was playing...
That morning in her daddy’s shed...
She took one of his tire chains...
And smacked her daddy in his head...
She was scared to death of her dad...
Because he had used that chain to hang her cat...
He chased her back into the house...
Screaming “I’ll whip your butt, you little brat!”
She loved her cat so dearly
But her dad was a drunken fool...
He found the cat in his shed
With a dead mouse atop his stool...
He smacked the cat with a backhand
And the cat flew through the air...
He tied a chain around his neck
Until the cat’s spirit was no longer there...
She told her dad “I hate you”
As she ran out their home’s backdoor...
She rode her bike off the Padua Pier
And was seen again no more...
Now when anyone goes missing
From their boat on Lake Pontchartrain...
Eventually someone will mention
The little girl with the chain...
Even though it was years ago,
And the girl’s family has moved away...
The girl with the chain in Lake Pontchartrain
Lives in spirit to this very day...
© 2022 Jeffrey Pipes Guice


The problem as I've come to believe
Poets wear their feelings out on their sleeve
But if I had to tell you about the last couple of days
I've been walking about in an absolute rage
Really ANNOYED because nothing gets done
I keep watching good people mowed down with a gun
They say now's not the time they'll send thoughts and prayers
Enough of your B S you don't even care
Their addicted to the money the lobbyist has sent
They sing the lobbyist song and never relent
Politician , Politician you have blood on your hands
Better listen to the victims cries and demands
You better do something what ever you do
Cause the next mob that comes storming may be coming for you
The poet can take you to places you'd rather not look
Before he is finished and closes his book

-Robert Miller

Poems of the Road

          Sunday Drive

It was a Sunday drive

but I wasn’t driving like

a Sunday driver on backroads 

going to a main highway going

to the city going to a street

going to a house thinking about

the past and future trying to sidestep 

the present knowing how everything 

goes through the moment 

how every end has a beginning 

and every beginning holds an end.



           Well-known Roads

I don’t know if I can drive well-known roads

anymore the way memories pile up mile

after mile adding weight making me want

to suddenly brake forgetting there’s ice

on the road not being able to stop anything.

There are only so many roads and the new

ones become like the old – memories transfer

from one backroad, from one highway 

to another so I can't tell when I’ll get there

and when I get there if I can say, “I’m here.”


I am trying to ascertain why some things

remembered and some things yet 

to be remembered make me cry.

What strikes my heart,

what strikes my eyes,

and why I cannot strike 

a refusal to cry.

-Byron Hoot

  hootism:  we should not be surprised by acts of gun violence when so many TV shows, movies, video games, music depict a gun in someone's hand as a solution to a problem. is open for business.  

Friday, May 13, 2022


 I crested the curved hill,

watched three crows fly away

from a chipmunk on the road.


At a glance in my mirror

saw their return.



The red-tailed hawk

erupted from the red-

leafed hillside something

in its talons


“This is how we were made –

a fury of earth

full of desire clutching

what cannot be let go.”

-Byron Hoot

Taking Words Down

“I have my books and poetry to protect me.” I had taped to the glass door of a secretariat in my bedroom around 1966.  I think it had to do ...