Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Just Wondering/Untitled

Just Wondering

The squirrel disrupts the snow on the top 

rail as it runs along as if there is no 

cold and snow.  And now is on the ground.

I’d like to change the elevation of where I 

am as easily as the squirrel and the confidence

of landing on my feet inherent in each step.

Not much to ask.  I think and wonder why 

it’s so hard to do for me what the squirrel

does so easily.


Farther Leading to Further 

The ambiguity of satisfaction

in the face of the synchronicity

of circumstances that put me 

here made me squint to see them

again and the horizon as I drove 

looking at the road and hillsides,

listening to voices I would still 

have beside me.  I drove and wished

I had farther to go, that the destination

was not so well-known, that the roads – 

main ones and secondary – demanded 

more attention.  I drove caught between

wanting to return and go a little further

on unknown roads. 

-Byron Hoot


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