Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Warrior

Her eyes shone like gleaming armor;
In which lay dead her brave warrior,
The deafening silence froze everyone;
But she was calm and not undone.
The maids tried to bring her to tears;
But she smiled, applauded ‘n’ cheered;
His defiance,courage, bravery ‘n’ feats;
For he couldn’t face humiliating defeat.
Alas!! tears trickled by her red cheeks;
As it struck her like the silver streak,
That he would not be there anymore;
The pang broke her heart and it tore.
Slowly the flowered cortege weaned;
People from roof-tops ‘n’ walls leaned,
Then she realized ...she wasn’t alone;
For in the people's eyes respect shone.
Bugles were sounded; gunshots fired;
All filed past him in and came upto her,
She was proud to be Warrior's widow;
People praised him in fields; meadows.
Ashok Malli.
From “Soul Stirring Sonnets “

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