Friday, June 24, 2022

Turkey Hunting

I read, “I don’t hunt turkeys because I 

want to but because I have to.” 

I thought of what was later said,

the love of having to do what you 

can’t do otherwise.  And how all things

that surround that “have to” are lovable

too.  Regardless what they are; if they 

are attached, they demand the same 

care and consideration as the primary urge

that has chosen you.  Not a bad way 

to live.  I believe one of those Greek 

philosophers called it following “your

daemon.” That which joins the human

and divine and guides your life.

Not a popular idea today that there 

may be something in us that knows 

and cares more about us than we do --

the best thing to do to follow where

we’re lead.  You could say, “Just 

a crazy ass turkey hunter!”  But 

you can’t say you’re not hunting 

for something in this life; it’d be 

nice to have a “have to” leading 

you in your way.

-Byron Hoot 

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