Friday, October 1, 2021

The Day The Laughter Died

We stood in stunned silence when we heard the news..
a great comedian,
a great actor,
a great comedian,
a great humanitarian,
had died,
because of a mental illness inside,
took the laughter away,
no one,,
knew quite what to say,
so few knew,
that behind all the laughs,
they were tears,
hidden inside,
the nothing could stop,
nothing could deny,
and suddenly,
August 11, 2014,
became the day the laughter died.
We knew him as Mork from mork from mork and mindy,
to Adrian Kronauer on Good Morning Viet Nam,
to Mrs. Doubtfire,
all the while, he set the comedy world on fire,,
from dead poets society..
to Bicentenial Man,
To the birdcage,
Robin Williams,
always seemed to be there,
the loss of you to a illness,
it seems so unfair,
so from now a on I will have a different view of August 11, 2014,
as not just another day,
but tragically,
the day,
The Laughter died.
(C) Patrick Read 8/12./14

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