Sunday, June 27, 2021

Queen of Ghosts

The invisible queen wanders
Through the shades of time
Goddess of the dark hours
Visits another side of my nature
Haunting a three-way crossroad
An ebony moon struggles to shine
Drawing down silence like the sky
Evening fogs the wishing glass
Extinguishing your footsteps
Where are you now?
This night-wandering Hecate
Is desolate as a deserted city
Trailing in the dust
Ghost hounds of hell sharply howl
With the bleak souls of the dead
Owls sit forever watchful
Silent in flight
A carrion-smell in their nests
We are lead into the shadows
Awaiting the blood-wise mystery
The clock will chime and shriek at 12
Disturbing centuries of bleeding statues
The limping ghost
Yearns to hurry to its death
So that a tear shall change its mind
With eyes gleaming silver
As grey ghouls in the moonlight
Will you come to me at midnight?
© 2021 Alexis Child. All rites reserved until the worms crawl in...

Secrets of the Dead House

secrets of the dead house
the world is simultaneously old and young
where the dark sky and broken walls
of the desolate old house meet
(once the home of breathless happiness) -
now impoverished of life
as even the birds no longer
sing around here
it seems as if, when the fire of love died down
the promising clouds also came to nothing -
thunder bewildered the expected rain
though, the tree and wild thyme which now
reside inside the dilapidated walls
still grope for reasons to survive
through fallen bricks
the wind stutters plumes of forlornness
through the artless disguise of black eyes
of non-existent windows and doors -
pregnant secrets silently whisper
through deteriorating walls -
secrets that will never be borne
as death has no tongue
Copyright reserved
04 May 2021

Saturday, June 26, 2021


Remembering Philip Church & Mattie Stepanek
Thank you Jeni Smith Stepanek for reposting this poem
Dedicated to Poet Mattie J. T. Stepanek
There’s a wondrous place, when seen in context,
Which exists and then passes, before the speaking of a word,
It lies just beyond what’s occurred, and what happens next,
And if one listens carefully – it’s where ‘heartsongs’ are heard.
The notions of past and future are merely what we insist,
Both the last moment and the next are beyond our affect,
The truth is, this moment is the only time we actually exist.
And only have the here and now where we can have effect.
Vain-glorious pursuits can become so self-defeating.
When a heart’s songs are recorded, be wise as sages,
Bearing in mind - both riches and fame are fleeting.
Heartsongs must be inscribed to stand the test of ages.
Be still and listen in your heart for the echo from above,
Listening close in a peaceful moment of no fear or panic,
You can hear the heartsongs - recognized for their love,
And join the ranks of ‘peace-makers’ –


I unearth your very small & such delicate head,
Now releasing you, from your deep earthen bed,
I peer into gone eyes, of worm devoured sockets,
Seeking past answers, from sightless vacant pockets.
Are you really she, who once walked upon this earth?
She who loved, laughed & long ago, once gave birth,
She who once smiled & with your flesh well rounded,
She who was once so vital & with life, so abounded.
I touch your delicate & now nameless small bones,
With a blessing & a prayer, I return you back home,
Beneath soil´s clay loam, within cemetery’s dark hole,
All your being interred, except your perfect small soul.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021


Looking back at my history
I can see
All my mistakes
And missed breaks
Maybe, i was blind
Or had other things on my mind
Living life in such a hurry
Not taking time to worry
Time for a Change
Time for a change
Remembering the good times I had
Instead of dwelling on the sad
Its never to late
Too forgive those who hate
Days become years, so fast
But you can change the past
Do not let your life fall apart
Unchain your heart
Change can happen
Change can happen
Make that choice
Use your voice
Ignore your self pride
Reveal the emotions inside
Already forgiving
This time I am living
No need to breakup
Instead lets makeup
Make the change happen
Make the change happen
Peter T Murray 8 June 2021

The Prayers of Wind

The prayers of wind and rain and the cold incense on which they’re carried this New Year’s eve are prophecies of what is not to come again a...