Friday, February 28, 2025

Taking Words Down

“I have my books and poetry to protect me.”

I had taped to the glass door of a secretariat

in my bedroom around 1966.  I think it had

to do with Dad being gone so much being 

an evangelist and leaving me and Mom

and her doing double duty as mother and father

when he was gone and how I resented a god

of love who took my father away and later 

returned him full of cancer neither drugs 

nor prayers could cure.  I didn’t know the ways

of God as I would.  After I went to college, 

the words remained taped to the glass door.

The song, of course, I Am a Rock; the refrain,

I am a rock I am an island.  And a rock feels

no pain/And an island never cries. 

It took years before I took those words down.

-Byron Hoot

Taking Words Down

“I have my books and poetry to protect me.” I had taped to the glass door of a secretariat in my bedroom around 1966.  I think it had to do ...