Thursday, August 11, 2022

And I’m Alright with That

I am seeing a lifetime in the time 

ahead of me. Which hones my sword

of Solomon to what others may consider

a murderous edge.  I have made

some cuts I regret and yet because

I’ve wielded that sword there are many

I’ve never had to make.  The trick 

is in the willingness to use it.

The practice it takes to hold 

lightly that which shapes 

Destiny and Fate  – 

a lifetime to gain the strength

and dexterity that must be 

sought and fought for before 

it is given.  Tomorrow means

one more, one less day

and I’m alright with that.

-Byron Hoot

Not Otherwise

The flight formation of birds 

is a wild symmetry with 

the beauty of space filled 

by what could not be otherwise

in that second of eternity

making us smile.  Some tinge

of hope arises seeing birds 

in flight.  Their songs, of course,

are another thing and how they

perch on branches as easily 

as we take a step.  What would

it be like to be above the ground

with such a solid grip,

the confidence of wings?  

-Byron Hoot

The Prayers of Wind

The prayers of wind and rain and the cold incense on which they’re carried this New Year’s eve are prophecies of what is not to come again a...