Monday, August 9, 2021

In That Realm


In my realm of sadness, I have a place

I go.  Nothing can refrain the steps

I take, the familiar landmarks, the out-

line of where I’m going.  Pity is not

welcomed; regret, the way the loss

of moments and words and touch

and feelings, is rich in its depth 

of absence like a deep, undiscovered

vein of gold just starting to be explored.

Beyond that and the certainty 

of the unknown, I keep little else –

a picture, a quickly written list,

the fading scent of presence,

the unforgettable that needs no


-Byron Hoot

The Prayers of Wind

The prayers of wind and rain and the cold incense on which they’re carried this New Year’s eve are prophecies of what is not to come again a...